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“For me to be able to help students in the same position makes me really proud.” LJMU Ambassador Emily talks first-generation University goers and creating connections

CampusConnect Ambassadors are instrumental in introducing incoming students to one another. LJMU Ambassador Emily spoke to us about helping applicants find their community and how a classroom suggestion turned into a career path.

By Ruby Wrankmore

Name: Emily

Hometown: Liverpool

University: Liverpool John Moores University

Course: 3rd Year Law

Hidden skill: My knees are double jointed! I didn’t notice until a friend pointed it out.

What’s the best thing about your course?

“The best thing is that I can learn about things that happen in everyday life. Even just buying a loaf of bread has so much that goes on behind it.”

“I knew that I wanted to be a barrister since I was 13, when we were in a lesson looking at career options. I was told that I should be a judge, so I looked into it. I read up on being a barrister and couldn’t believe it was a real job - it’s so perfect for me!”

“I chose LJMU because I wanted to stay close to home, and when I visited the campus it felt very homely. The lecturers were actually interested in me, and that was just on an open day! I thought that feeling would continue by studying there. The opportunities on my course were also great. For example, there was no big process to get involved in mooting - which is a mock court where we can act as barristers. It’s an important part of my learning, and it was readily available to me.”

What do you like about being a CampusConnect Ambassador?

“I remember when I was first starting to look at universities - on the face of it they all look the same. There’s so much that I look back on now and wish that I had. Being an Ambassador lets me share different things with students so that they can decide what is right for them. CampusConnect is an easy and informal way for incoming students to chat to existing students. It’s a friendly platform that people are happy to ask questions on!”

“Students will often message me and be worried about a certain thing. I can home in on my own experiences and be part of relieving some of their stress. I know that fear of starting university. I’m also passionate about supporting first-generation and working class students in going to university. I’m the first in my family to go to university, but if I hadn’t had access to a wider network when I was younger I probably wouldn’t have gone. For me to be able to help students in the same position makes me really proud.”

“The role has also helped me with my communication skills, especially online - which is the new norm!”

How do you help applicants find other people from their course?

“The good thing about CampusConnect is having group chats that people can join - I always try to initiate conversations in them. I also go to the ‘Connect’ tab and find people who study Law, then I ask if they have any concerns and invite them to join the group chat. Sometimes people can be a bit nervous, so doing that helps them get involved.”

“Once, I spoke to an incoming student who was extremely worried about being the only LGBTQ+ person on their course. They were scared of not meeting anyone like them before they got to university. CampusConnect actually created a LGBTQ+ group chat and so many people joined! That student was so nervous but then was able to make so many friends. That’s a great memory for me.”

“Applicants are also able to find their flatmates through the group chats. I see them talking about whether they need to bring their own cutlery! They’re able to build relationships before they move in, which is great. When I connect people with their coursemates, they’re also likely to meet properly in their classes.”

What are your plans for the future?

“I’ve just received the Lord Denning scholarship to study the Barrister Training course at BPP in Manchester. I’m nervous seeing how intense it is, but I’m looking forward to the more practical parts of law.”

Top tips for incoming students?

  1. Don’t be scared to speak to new people. Don’t worry about starting conversations or feeling like you’re being over the top by asking to add them on Facebook. I met my best friend by messaging her to go to a lecture together!

  2. Get involved in everything that you can. University always has something going on.

  3. Enjoy it! Your time there goes so quickly and there’s so much to it, experience everything you can.

If you’d like to keep up with Emily, find her on LinkedIn.