“Talking to students puts your mind at rest because you trust that they know what they’re talking about!” LJMU ambassador James looks forward to helping new home students on CampusConnect
James is one of the team of new student ambassadors involved in supporting new students preparing to start their journey with Liverpool John Moores University. He’s passionate about volunteering and looking forward to helping incoming students. We found out a little more about his own education journey and why he never really imagined himself going to university.
Name: James
From: Liverpool
University: Liverpool John Moores
Studying: BA Business and Finance
Fun fact: James competed in youth athletics championships at school and is currently preparing to run marathons in the next couple of years – with his sights set on the London marathon!
James has always been passionate about sport!
Did you always know you’d go to university?
“I didn’t think I’d go to uni because I’d failed everything at school. I chose to do a BTEC in Business at college and resat my exams at the same time, which I managed to pass. I also met somebody there who I still talk to now. If it hadn’t been for him, I don’t think I’d have even stuck the college course out because I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. When I finished college, I thought about doing an apprenticeship but there weren’t many out there. That made me consider going to uni – just to see if I liked it at first.”
So what made you choose Liverpool John Moores University?
“The college that I went to was across the road from LJMU, so I was already physically familiar with it, which helped. I’m the first in my family to go to uni and none of my friends had gone before me, so support was really important to me. I know people at LJMU who said they’ve felt really supported, whereas other unis leave you to be more independent. I could tell instantly that it was the right choice for me, and I still think so.”
Some students who go to university after studying a BTEC find the transition more challenging. Is this something you’ve experienced?
“It’s definitely different because the course is so big - there are about 300 people. We have the same 20-30 people in our Monday sessions though. I find I can keep up with all the information which is positive! I didn’t have any exams during my BTEC, so that’s going to be something to adapt to as well. It’s quite hard to stay motivated sometimes, but that’s just because we’re all learning from home. I’m doing things I never would’ve done before, like taking proper lunch breaks and going running to refresh myself. You’ve just got to manage your time really well and keep moving around – when I’m not working, I’m exercising.”
James with his dog when he was younger.
Have there been any highlights to your time at LJMU so far?
“My highlight would probably be making a cake for my tutors at Christmas and, when I took it in, it also happened to be one of my tutors’ birthdays! Another has to be during November when I completed a charity run, which was suggested to me initially by the university. Whilst I was doing it, they supported me along with some of my fellow students and tutors as well as family and friends. They donated too and I raised over £100! This was great because I really started to enjoy university by challenging myself and making the most of such opportunities.”
What are your plans for after graduation?
“I’ve not got a solid idea, but I used to really like the finance assignments that we did during my BTEC Business course. Since being at uni, I’ve actually enjoyed the marketing modules. I always felt that if I did go to uni, I wouldn’t just to for the sake of it, so I’m making a big effort to get involved with every opportunity in the hope that it will benefit me in the future. I don’t want to look back and realise I didn’t make the most of it.”
Work experience has been a big concern for students. Have you been able to boost your employability skills?
“I started volunteering in a local charity shop about two years ago and have done quite a lot of it now. I was doing shop floor roles and really getting into it just before everything started closing. More recently, I’ve been volunteering weekly for a different charity to help them sort through food or clothing donations. Through volunteering, I have gained strong communication and teamwork skills and discovered a real passion for this with how enjoyable it is. Just being able to make a difference to people’s lives is amazing really.”
James and his family.
Why did you choose to become a CampusConnect ambassador?
“Mainly because it’s something I wish I had when I was applying! There’s other platforms like UniBuddy where you’re having 1:1 chats, but with CampusConnect you can get involved with groups, so it’s more like WhatsApp but your contacts are already there. This time last year, I was signing up for open days, which them got cancelled. Virtual equivalents just didn’t feel the same, so I didn’t look at many. Talking to somebody who’s been through it, or who is in the same situation as you, really puts your mind at rest because you know these people know what they’re on about. It’s fun too – recently people were sharing what their favourite pancakes or crepes were with it being Shrove Tuesday!”
We’re inspired by James’ motivation and how he’s embracing the opportunities that arise at university. As such, he’s settling into his ambassador role with CampusConnect and is keeping an eye out for people asking questions, particularly about his course. If you’re interested in studying Business, or want to discuss life at LJMU, why not chat to James?