"My tutor helped me to carry my passion into the job market" Maynooth University International alumni Shreyas talks visas, research and his new role as a Cloud Engineer

Shreyas wasn’t always certain of the direction he wanted his career to go in, but he enjoyed studying and was passionate about research throughout his degree. He’s now extremely grateful to be working for a company that funds his learning and development, facilitating his transition from studying to working. After taking a lot of advice from seniors before starting his journey, he is now keen to share his knowledge with current students and graduates.

By Lauren Valentine

  • Name: Shreyas Angchekar

  • University: Maynooth University

  • Course studied: MSc Computer Science (Software Engineering)

  • Current job: Cloud Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

  • Fun fact: Shreyas is quite a chef and loves creating Irish-Indian fusion dishes!

Computer Science, exciting research and the coolest mentor at Maynooth…

”My decision to come to Maynooth was down to two factors: the length and content of the course, and the scholarship that I was offered. Before coming to the university, I didn’t have any formal work experience, but I was passionate about research and development. Fortunately, I was able to undertake a great research project for my dissertation, which was a continuation of what I’d worked on back in India. I’m currently working with my dissertation tutor to try to get it published.

Going to Ireland was the best decision I ever made. Despite everything being a little hectic to begin with, I’m so happy I decided to come. I loved the course, made lots of friends and had a brilliant dissertation tutor - a really cool guy! He helped me a lot in terms of understanding what to aim for in the job market, so I’ve now been able to carry my passion forwards into my job. He even used to play guitar with me!”

Working as a Cloud Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise…

“I started my role in April and was the first person in Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) to do a complete virtual onboarding process. I thought it would be tough: getting all the tech set up, meeting my manager virtually and moving about 200km from Donegal to Galway! Luckily, I had friends who helped me with accommodation and HPE managed to get everything I needed for my workstation to me. The company also invests in me and sponsors all of my certifications. I also can’t wait until I can go into the office as there are so many facilities!

HPE is very flexible in terms of the work. At the moment, I’m working on two Azure certifications. So far, I’ve gained skills in all areas: from open-source software development to soft skills like teamwork when working remotely. Everything is fascinating and constantly changing, so I feel that nobody is truly experienced. That’s why I chose this profession: there’s always new insights and new problems to solve. Research has always been my key motivation.”

Finding a job in Ireland and obtaining the all-important visa sponsorship…

“I got my first job after attending a GradIreland job fair, where a company called Optum were advertising their graduate programme. After a series of interviews and an aptitude test, I landed a role as a Tech Development Assistant. I’d studied a cloud computing module as part of my MSc, which helped me to get this role.

Unfortunately, this company wasn’t able to provide the visa I needed to stay in Ireland, so I decided to switch jobs. I revamped my LinkedIn skills and had a call from a HPE recruiter within one week. The interview process was long, which was expected as they were giving me a sponsored visa. They needed to make sure I was the best person for the role and that I was going to stick around!

The job market is a lot tougher in India with the poorer economy and huge population creating so much competition. I feel that in Ireland, employers respect your skills and pay you accordingly. The working culture is great too, thanks to the friendly, easy-going people.”


Wise words for current students and the future of recruitment…

“There’s no doubt that the current situation is tough, but it’s also once in a lifetime. Many companies have stopped hiring for now, but this won’t be forever. I believe many people will be working from home for the foreseeable as workplaces have realised the benefits. However, the country will need to lift the economy back up after the pandemic, so companies will want to build their staff back up too.

My advice would be to make the most of your free time to explore your passions and what makes you happy. I’ve been really enjoying playing the guitar and cooking, which is also the reason I’ve started working out! It’s also essential to spruce up your LinkedIn profile. The platform has some powerful functionalities for recruiters, allowing them to filter for skills and sift through potential candidates. I got my current role through a LinkedIn call – maybe you could too!”

Looking to the future, Shreyas prefers not to set himself limiting goals. “I have no specific goals; I’m just happy to go with the flow! I never would have imagined myself in this role, but I’m loving it. I believe everything will work out if you just follow a natural direction of doing what you enjoy.” He is currently enjoying life in Ireland and doesn’t plan to leave any time soon!

Want to find out more about Shreyas’ career? Follow him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shreyas-angchekar-b0a384137/