"I wish I’d learned some Irish slang, such as 'grand' and 'what’s that craic?' Maynooth International Ambassador Kumari shares her story.
Fact File
Name: Kumari
From: Pune, India
Current university: University of Maynooth
Studying: M.A. Data Science and Analytics
Kumari outside the Eolas Building, Maynooth University
Moving Abroad
Why did you choose to come to Maynooth?
I asked a few people and spoke to seniors before coming and the gave really good reviews about it. They also said the course was great, which helped to make my decision.
What do you enjoy most about life in your new town?
I really like the people here – they’re so warm and friendly. I also like the beautiful scenery in Ireland.
Did you know much about the town before you arrived?
Initially I had no idea, but I used the Campus Connect app before I joined so I could speak to people who were already there.
University Life
How is your course going now?
I’m really enjoying it. I’m getting lots of practical experience and there is always somebody to answer any doubts that I have.
What are your plans for after graduation?
I’ll be looking for a job! I’d like to stay in Ireland for a year or two and then move back to India.
What do you wish you’d known before moving to University?
I wish I’d learned some Irish slang, such as “grand” and “what’s that craic?” – that would have helped!
Aside from your studies, what have you learned by moving to University?
That cooking isn’t actually that hard! If I’d known, I would have tried it back in India myself.
What was the most challenging part of your arrival at the University?
Definitely the weather! When it’s 12 or 13 degrees in India, it’s cold for us. In Ireland, they think that’s warm.
How did you settle into life and your course?
The University has some great events for internationals; it’s easy to get very involved.
Kumari and friends
What made you want to become a CampusConnect ambassador?
I’d been using the app for a while and saw that I could help new people who were joining. The app was very helpful for me and I wanted to pass this onto new students.
In one sentence, can you sum up why you’d recommend the app to prospective students?
It’s invaluable to be able to connect with current students, as well as others going through the same process as you.
Do you have a tip for how to get the most out of the CampusConnect app?
I’d say read through all of the information in the app because you’ll find answers to many questions in there. Make sure you explore the app fully and ask lots of questions in the groups.
What is the question you receive most frequently from prospective applicants?
Probably “how is the course?”. I get asked a lot about accommodation too.
Fun fact: Kumari celebrated Halloween for the first time last October. She enjoyed it so much that she can’t wait for more celebrations like St Patrick’s Day!
Advice to students: Believe in yourself.
Social Media
Instagram: kumari_sundaram