“Take the plunge, that is what life is all about!” LJMU Ambassador Eduardo settles into life in Liverpool


Eduardo is currently preparing for the second year of his Masters degree at LJMU, and we caught up with him to hear about his experiences as a CampusConnect Ambassador and international student.

By Ruby Wrankmore


Name: Eduardo

University: Liverpool John Moores University

Course: MSc Electrical Power and Control Engineering

Hometown: Panama

Favourite hobby: I’m a big fan of American football. I love to play and watch it. I often stay up late to watch NFL games. The first time I saw a game was in 2008, so I’ve followed it for 13 years now. I started playing when I was 16 in Panama. I currently play with a team in Liverpool, we have our next game on Sunday. Aside from that, I play guitar and piano.

Crossing continents...

“After I finished high school in Panama, I started my undergrad in Electrical Engineering. These degrees take longer back home, so I studied for 7 years. Following that, I started working in the engineering field. However, I decided to apply for a Masters so I could get more specific knowledge.”

“The programme is two years long, with one year being a placement year or research project. I started in September 2020, so I’m waiting to start my placement year now. I’m looking for whatever jobs come up, but I’d really like to work within generation or control systems - whatever new areas I can find. I’m always down to learn new things.”

“I didn’t get the scholarship I originally applied for, but I spoke to some regional advisors and they pointed me towards partial scholarships. I managed to get two, which have been a huge support in helping me make the move.”


Life at LJMU

“At LJMU, I like the fact that there’s so many people to talk to. I’m part of the International Society and the Poker Society. The tutors in my course are really friendly and open to teaching new things, which has kept me very engaged with my learning. I wish we could do some face to face teaching, but it has still been great online. I did well in my 1st year, so I’m thankful to everyone for their support.”

“When I thought about studying abroad, I thought everything would be different - with no pandemic! I wanted to explore, which Covid has hindered a bit. Luckily, I made friends who have shown me a different side to the city. The only thing I haven’t been able to do much of is travel to other cities in the UK. I have been to Manchester a few times now, which has been fun, but there’s still a few more on my list. I’m looking forward to ticking them off.”

Creating connections as an Ambassador

“I first heard about CampusConnect when I got my offer to study. I was very active on it, and having previous experience with studying I could answer questions for people so they felt less alone. During my course I kept using the app and I received a message asking if I would like to become an Ambassador. The regional advisors had recommended me, and I decided to take it.”

“It feels great to help and support others. Being an Ambassador has also helped my communication skills. It is a very natural way of speaking with others, so you can be yourself. People can feel that you care and want to help them.”

“You can connect with people who will be related to you in some way - flatmates, coursemates, people with similar interests or questions. I actually met my current flatmate through the app! We were in an accommodation chat and managed to figure out that we would be together. We had loads in common - we both support Real Madrid and we were both Masters students who wanted a more relaxed atmosphere. We’re now great friends.”

“Most of all, the app is fun. There’s so many different chats, and it’s so nice to watch people make friends and connect over different topics. For me, it’s a stress reliever.”

Some wise words...

“If people are feeling unsure about starting their course, or unsure about anything, my advice is: don’t think twice. It’s an opportunity that is here right now, so if you have everything you need to take it then you should. I don’t regret starting my course even though it was difficult at the beginning. I’m so grateful that I made that decision, and my friends and family are so happy for me.”

“Once I finish my degree, I would like to get a good job in the UK and start a new chapter here. Take the plunge, that is what life is all about!”


You can keep up with Eduardo on LinkedIn or follow him on Instagram.