Life (still) in Lockdown: Alone or far from home, but these students are still smiling!
A couple of weeks ago, we shared some stories from our ambassadors and alumni of how they’ve been coping with living in isolation. With lockdown lasting longer than any of us may have imagined, we reached out to more members of the CampusConnect community - this time from Anglia Ruskin University.
Lorena, student and Applicant Journey Officer at the university, told us: “This whole situation is a very odd and weird time to be a student. You have to find motivation to work for your assignments and keep on top of your normal duties as much as possible and at the same time keep your sanity while being stuck inside without any possibility of seeing your friends.”
With this in mind, we’re glad to see that spirits are still high amongst our international students. Let’s find out how they’ve been managing the lockdown.
Xahra, BSc (Hons) Psychology student from Malaysia. Recommended ‘binge-watch’ series: Locke and Key.
“I’ve returned home to isolate, and I miss my friends the most. I’ve been keeping busy binge-watching TV shows – in fact I finished a ten season show in two and a half weeks! I’ve also been catching up on all that sleep I’ve missed since uni started!”
Becky, MSc ICT student from Thailand. Most grateful for: still being able to learn about British language and culture.
“I’m currently isolating in Cambridge with a flatmate. I haven’t been back home in almost two years, so I do miss my family! I usually go running every day. During this time, I am still running, which helps me to relax and get healthy! Moreover, I keep safe by washing my hands and keeping warm because of the weather here. The important thing is to smile. You’ve got to accept the situation, be calm and let your family in your country know that you are OK so they don’t worry about it. It would be nice to analyse and learn from the experience. Therefore, I really appreciate that I am here to studying and learn about language and culture.”
Shree, MA Business and Administration student from India. Lockdown mindset: reflective and productive.
“I'm trying to see this isolation period from a different perspective all together. I'm seeing this as if the entire world has stopped for me to match up with the progress that everyone was making. I know this kind of prolonged isolation periods can cause a heavy mental toll, but if someone can be conscious of their being and look at things in an optimistic perspective that really opens new opportunities. I have been meditating in the morning to start my day with patience and calmness. I'm reading a lot, which I generally couldn’t do. I'm building myself to be up and ready when the lockdown ends as I want to be ahead when the start whistle blows again and opportunities open up.”
Leena, MA Childhood Education student from India. Top tip to beat isolation blues: dance like nobody’s watching!
“Right now, I'm living in university accommodation with two of my flatmates, so I don't feel lonely at all. I’m occupied with my upcoming assignment that I have to submit next week. To de-stress myself during this time, I listen to music and dance like nobody’s watching! I also catch up with my old school friends as I think now is the best time to talk to them and reminisce the old memories. Also, when I feel exhausted, I do meditation which really helps to calm my mind. After the lockdown ends, I'm going to get food from my favourite places and travel to other cities in England!”
Samuel, International Business student from Ghana. Interests: football and reading business journals.
“At the moment I’m working on my dissertation and assignment. That has been the focus, but I do speak to my family back in Ghana daily as well. I’m still living at the student accommodation and I am isolating alone, but there are a few students still isolating at the student accommodation as well. I’ll be very happy to see things go back to normal!”
Lorena, BSc (Hons) Business Management and Leadership student from Romania. First destination when lockdown ends: McDonalds!
“I’m currently isolating with my partner because we thought it would be easier to get through this having someone rather than being alone. In order to entertain myself and keep calm during this period, I’m trying to go for walks every day. I know it might not seem like big deal or like the most entertaining thing, but it certainly helps you clear you mind. Moreover, it helps your body get tired so you can sleep easily at night, now that our sleeping schedules are messed up. It also calms you because you see other people trying to get through the same thing, so you know you are not alone in this. Plus, it’s always funny and entertaining to have a reason to put some nice clothes on and maybe some makeup and get yourself ready for the walk.”
Whether it’s assignments, exercise or TV shows, we’re happy that our ambassadors are finding ways to make the most of this unusual situation. Hopefully we’ll all be reunited with our friends and loved ones soon, but until it’s safe to do so, those online quizzes, video calls and messages are what’s keeping us going!
Take care,
The CampusConnect Team