“I don’t tend to get homesick” – Katy on how moving abroad to study at a young age made her more independent
Fact File
Name: Katy
From: Seattle, Washington
Current university: Maynooth University
Studying: Business Marketing and Management
Dream job: Working in marketing for a non-profit organization
Fun fact: Katy says she no longer gets homesick for the US, but if she leaves Maynooth she’s desperate to get back!
Advice to applicants: Every international student here should join in with as many activities as they can. Try not to stick within the international bubble – it’s easier to immerse yourself if you meet a variety of people.
Katy outside Maynooth
Katy on…
Making the most of the social life at university
What do you enjoy most about life in your new town?
I like how small and friendly the town is since I’m used to a very large city. It’s much easier to get to know people because you’re all so close and the social culture is actually pretty similar to back home. I find its history fascinating, as well as its old buildings and architecture.
How did you make friends at university?
Maynooth Uni is really helpful in providing information and events for international students. The International Office puts on loads of events like karaoke or pizza nights, and the Student Union offers themed nights too! Most of my friends are local but my roommates are all international, so it’s a good mix.
Are you part of any clubs or societies?
I’m part of the MU Snow Sport Society. We went bowling recently and have actually just got back from a ski trip in France. I grew up in the mountains near Washington, so I think I’m the only person in the club who knows how to ski!
Katy outside the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin
Exploring life beyond your hometown
Why did you choose to move to Maynooth?
I went to Denmark as an exchange student and just didn’t want to move back to the US! So I googled schools in Ireland as my family really likes it there. I really liked the sound of the course at Maynooth, so my choice was made.
So you’ve had a pretty international education!
Yeah, I went to Denmark immediately after I graduated high school. I took a pre-uni business course in Danish for a year and learned Danish at the same time. Then I came to Ireland where I’m currently in the second semester of my first year.
What are your goals for after graduation?
I’m hoping to stay in Europe and work here when I finish. I’d like to work for a non-profit organisation in the marketing sector.
The CampusConnect app
What made you want to become a Campus Connect ambassador?
I just wanted to use the knowledge I already had from being and exchange student to help those who are new and adjusting. Most people are new to living abroad, or living away from their families, so I felt I could help out.
Can you sum up why you would recommend the app to prospective students?
The app allows for worldwide connection. You meet students and educators from all over the world with different opinions. You also get to know the Uni in more depth thanks to all the information and updates.
Do you have a tip for how to get the best out of the CampusConnect app?
Definitely stay active on it. It provides you with the necessary tools and materials to get the answers you need, so USE it! I’ve seen many students gain a lot by participating and asking questions.