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“I want to make sure I’m getting the whole experience.” Incoming LJMU student Josh gears up for a new start

On the day we spoke, Josh received his A-Level results and knew that he was definitely going to attend LJMU. An incoming Film Studies student, Josh is ready to take on university life and get as much out of it as he can.

By Ruby Wrankmore

Name: Josh

University: Liverpool John Moores University

Course: BA Film Studies

Hometown: Ruthin, North Wales

Favourite film: The Breakfast Club - This film is just so unique and effective as it is relatable, deals with tough issues and has a cast of only 6 actors.

Finding his passion

“I have just finished my A-Levels. I studied History, Geography, Religious Studies and Media. I actually got my results today! I’m very pleased with how I did, and I got to have a small celebratory assembly with the rest of my year group. I definitely have a place at LJMU now, which is great.”

“Media was my favourite subject, which pushed me towards studying Film. At first I was set on doing something like Ethics or Philosophy, something similar to my Religious Studies A-Level. However, doing Media really made me realise what I’m interested in - which is film! I debated whether to study Media or Film at LJMU, but I love the analytical side of film.”

Getting prepared for the future

“I was a form representative in school, and I was also on the school council. I enjoy getting involved and I want to make sure I’m getting the whole experience. I have plans to be an Ambassador once I get to LJMU and maybe a course representative, too. I have already had a look at what societies I’d like to join - I’m thinking the creative writing, debating and film societies.”

“I have sent in an application for a scholarship, which would really help me be able to purchase my own equipment. At school, Media wasn’t very practical. I had one piece of coursework, for which I made the opening scene and intro of a sitcom. I had to film it on my phone! Since the A-Level was exam-based, I got to do more of the theory side. I’m a bit worried about being behind everyone else, as lots of people will have studied at college or will have already done practical work. I’ve spoken to others on my course, though, and we’ve gotten really close. That makes me feel more reassured.”

“I’m not too sure what I want to do for a job yet. But I know the course that I will study is hugely hands-on and practical. Since it’s very skill-based, I’ll be able to experience lots of different things. For example, directing would give me skills in leadership and organisation. Having a really wide range of skills will put me in a better position in the future, as I’ll have lots of opportunities to choose from.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting new people, and getting a sense of independence through living away from home. That’s also what I’m most nervous about - leaving home and starting something new. I’m excited and nervous!”

Making connections

“Using CampusConnect, I’ve been able to speak to others on my course or in my accommodation. Everyone is really friendly and it’s easy to talk to them. Talking to everyone before we start is so much easier than meeting them on the day. I think I would have been really nervous if I didn’t get to speak to people before, so the app helps reduce any anxiety with meeting others. I have got to know two other people who will be in my flat, and we’ve already started to split up chores and decided who will bring the pots and who will bring the cutlery!”

“When I think about me in a year’s time, I hope that I have some roots in Liverpool. I hope that I can get a part-time job, and that I have a good circle of friends.”