“Everything happens for a reason”: The reasons behind ARU student Sony’s decision to defer and why she’s feeling even more ready to start in January


Sony is an incoming Marketing student from India, although she has spent most of her life in Dubai. Originally due to start her MSc in September 2020, she was one of the many students who chose to defer their entry until January 2021. We chatted to her to find out more about her course and the reasons why she opted for a January start.

 By Lauren Valentine

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  • Name: Sony Racheal John

  • Home country: India

  • University: Anglia Ruskin University

  • Studying: MSc Marketing

  • Fun fact: Sony bought 2 guinea pigs at the start of lockdown so that she had somebody else to talk to!


Could you tell me about yourself and what you’re currently doing?

“I’m originally from India, but grew up in Dubai until I was 18. I came to India 7 years ago to study a Bachelor’s in Business Management with Marketing, then studied with The International Air Transport Association. I’ve been working since 2016 and am currently an Assistant Manager at CBRE, an American commercial real estate firm. We work with lots of big retail brands like Adidas, Zara and Nike to market mall space and open shops for them. Now that I’m working from home, I work really late hours because people can call at any time!”

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Why have you chosen to study Marketing at ARU?

“I started searching for courses last year and met Simon Evans at a university fair in December. He told me a lot about the university, and I was intrigued. The module that really sold it to me was International Marketing and Brand Management, as I know it will help me to get a better job if I come back to India. The modules at ARU are also the most up to date that you can get. They’ve even changed from when I was going to start in September, which makes me trust that I am receiving the most relevant teaching. You don’t find that in most universities.

I also have lots of family and friends in the UK: my nephew is studying Music and my cousin is starting a PhD. So many of my friends have told me how good British universities are, and I found the course costs at ARU really reasonable compared to other places.”

What made you decide to defer your entry?

“I got my original offer in May and was all set to come in September – I was SO ready to learn! But when the pandemic hit and everything began to close, the process became difficult. As an example, I was going to get a student loan to come to the UK, but even the banks closed. I just got worried about how complicated the transition would be, but I believe everything happens for a reason. In the meantime, my workplace has given us learning portals with paid-for courses, so I’ve been doing lots of marketing courses. I’ll be one step ahead when I begin my MSc now!”

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 What are you most excited about?  

“I’ve been abroad and travelled a lot, so I know there are different cultures everywhere that I can learn so much from. When you’re studying in a uni, it’s the people around you that teach you the most. You learn how to tackle new obstacles because you see the people around you doing it. There are also so many things to see: I’m excited to visit Madame Tussauds as I’ve wanted to see it for ages! Cambridge is very student based too, which is why I wanted to be there.”

How about something you’re nervous about?  

“Our education systems are very different. I’ve been used to exam-based learning, the kind where you study from a textbook and learn things by heart. In the UK, there’s a range of assignments and projects, and you’re encouraged to read around the subject. Similarly, in Dubai, the course is set in stone, whereas in England you have flexibility over the modules you can choose. I know these changes will take some getting used to.”

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Sony has been making the most of her time at home to learn to cook and do household chores. “I’m the youngest in my house, so I’m usually very pampered!” She is now looking forward to starting her course in January and being closer to family and friends in the UK.


Find Sony on social media:

Linked In: Sony Racheal John

Instagram: spiritofadventure_official