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“You come to understand that the real learning cannot be found in textbooks” - Janaina recounts her experience as an international student

Study abroad is often described as the opportunity of a lifetime. Students learn incredible amounts about their chosen subject, but their learning doesn’t end when they leave the lecture theatre – far from it! We caught up with MIC ambassador Janaina, who says that studying abroad has shown her what really matters.

By Lauren Valentine

How are you finding life in a new language?

I’ve found that you don’t need to be proficient but knowing the basics is crucial. For me, studying in English isn’t difficult, however I tried to learn German and it’s really hard! I still have lots to learn about the language but being immersed in the language whilst in the country helps a lot. For me, it’s more useful to dedicate time to learning lots of vocabulary. It’s not only about the grammar; you can express yourself better with a wider vocabulary.

Have there been any surprising cultural differences?

Nothing too major – I love the culture here! The music is especially cool. There’s also a strong sense of community despite the city being small. For example, when the St Patrick’s Day parades were cancelled, people still dressed in green or did things in their homes instead.

It’s also really nice to be able to go out at night here. In my home city, I can’t stay out after dark because of the violence that goes on. That’s not something I’ve experienced in Ireland.

Can you sum up the top ten things you’ve learned since moving to Ireland?

  1. You deepen your sense of identity

  2. You become more independent

  3. You are enchanted by the magic of travel

  4. You learn to respect different cultures more

  5. You come to understand that the real learning cannot be found in textbooks

  6. You learn how to manage the feeling of missing your loved ones

  7. You meet people from different parts of the world

  8. You build confidence & self-esteem

  9. You make new friends

  10. You realize that you are not the same anymore

Where do you turn for support when you need it?  

I spend lots of time with my friends. I’d also like to give a shout out to the international office here that gives great support. They’re there to help us with everything we need, answer our questions and help us out. It’s important to me and it really works. There’s always somebody to talk to, even if it’s just to help you communicate.   

Keep up with Janaina on her social media channels!

